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The Ludwig / Savin Scale for Female Hair Loss

The progression of female pattern baldness (Androgenic Alopecia) is generally classified on the Ludwig scale, or also known as the Savin scale. Unlike the men's balding scale, Norwood Hamilton, which ranges from 1-6, the Ludwig scale ranges from stages 1-3.

Early stages of female hair loss (Ludwig 1-1 and 1-2) begins with thinning on the top of the head, in and around the central parting area. During stage 2 the scalp starts to show with increased thinning. Finally, all of the hair at the crown of the head may be lost when the hair loss progresses to stage 3. However, the scale is used merely for general categorisation. The stages and pattern of baldness generally vary from person-to-person.

Here is an example of the Ludwig scale. It is important to identify the stage of hair loss, as this will enable the patient to find the right treatment.

Ludwig Savin Scale

Treating Female Hair loss

Once you have identified the stage of hair loss you are at, you can then begin to look for treatments. Women experiencing early stages of hair loss (Ludwig 1-1 to 1-2) will have plenty of options to treat the issue. Women suffering from more advanced stages of hair loss (Ludwig 2+) will find it more difficult to treat.

Multivitamins like HR23+ can minimise the excessive shedding caused by androgenic alopecia (female pattern baldness), as well as promote the function of healthy hair growth. The earlier the hair loss is treated, the easier it can be treated. More advanced stages of hair loss (Ludwig 2+) will require more advanced treatments like medical drugs, or even surgical procedures.

Temporary Hair Loss Types

The Ludwig scale only serves to measure the stages of female pattern baldness, which is a genetic, permanent type of hair loss. The Ludwig scale does not accurately measure the stages of temporary hair loss types that are caused by post-pregnancy, menopause, and stress, for example. Temporary hair loss is usually just that - temporary, however, thinning can extend to longer periods of time, therefore it is still advised to treat the issue.

HR23+ is ideal for treating various hair loss types, including menopausal hair loss, postpartum hair loss, and stress-related hair loss. With continued use, HR23+ can help minimise excessive shedding, and support healthy, thick hair growth.

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