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How To Stop Thinning Hair

By the age of 40, thinning hair can affect over 60% of men and over 40% of women, respectively. Losing your hair can be a real worry, especially if you do not know its cause and how to prevent it. Suffering from hair loss is one of the most soul-destroying things a person can go through, and although there is not a cure for the problem, there are ways that you can minimise thinning hair, and promote hair growth.

So, what is the most effective way to stop thinning hair? Well, this really depends on a few key factors. Firstly, it is important to diagnose your hair loss type. By understanding the cause of your hair loss, you will be in a much better position to teat the problem.

There are many hair loss types, with the most common ones being; androgenic alopecia (male/female pattern baldness), seasonal shedding phases, postpartum thinning, menopausal shedding, and stress-related hair loss. Some types of hair loss are temporary, whereas others are longer lasting.

Best ways to stop thinning hair and regrow hair naturally

Hair loss cannot be cured, but, with the right treatment plan, hair thinning can be significantly reduced, and even stopped. Using the right products, as part of a hair care plan, can have excellent benefits on the hair. Here are some effective ways that you can prevent excessive hair shedding:

  • Eat More Protein - Many people underestimate how important a role protein plays in supporting the strength and healthy growth of hair. If you're shedding excessively, then chances are, you're not getting enough protein into your system (especially if you are vegan/vegetarian).

  • Take Your Vitamins - Taking the right vitamins can be hugely beneficial to your hair, especially if you are prone to severe thinning caused by common conditions of alopecia, such as pattern baldness and seasonal shedding. For the vast majority of us, we cannot get all the right minerals into our diet alone, and that is where the significance of vitamins comes into play. Many doctors prescribe biotin with zinc, in order to help maintain normal hair growth, and/or DHT blocking extracts such as saw palmetto and nettle leaf. A good multivitamin hair supplement like HR23+®, combines a host of antiandrogens hair growth agents, that work in conjunction with each other to prevent shedding, and promote hair growth.

  • Consider Medical Treatments - Medical treatments such as finasteride and minoxidil can treat hair loss well, however, they do come with the risk of negative side-effects, some of which can be severe and permanent. Be sure to speak to your doctor before taking any medical treatments, as it is important that you know your hair loss type, and the risks involved.

  • Advanced Treatments - If you are experiencing more advanced stages of thinning hair, then you should consider heading down the more expensive route. Some more advanced options include hair transplantation (surgical), low level laser therapy (LLLT) treatment, micro needling, and platelet-rich plasma (PRP). These treatments tend to be expensive.

Can hair grow back after thinning?

There is every chance that hair can grow back to its original state after a phase of thinning, however, in most cases, it is not that simple. I really depends on a number of factors, like what type of hair loss you have, and whether it is a temporary type, or a longer term.

For temporary hair loss types, like stress-related hair thinning, for example, the hair will usually grow back to its original state, but a long term hair loss type like male/female pattern baldness is a much more difficult get on top of. That is why is is advised to assemble a long term hair care plan that can gradually slow down the thinning, and help support the function of healthy hair growth.

A Supplement for Hair Loss

HR23+® is a multi macro-extract supplement, packed with 23 key ingredients that work in conjunction with each other to prevent hair fall and help maintain healthy, normal hair growth in men and women who are prone to common forms of alopecia. HR23+® is safe, effective, and completely risk-free. This supplement has a 90% customer satisfaction rating, and is the fastest growing product of its kind on the market.

® is particularly beneficial to men and women who suffer from any of the following hair loss conditions:

  • Androgenetic Alopecia
  • Involutional Alopecia
  • Seasonal Shedding
  • Postpartum Hair Loss
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