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HR23+ Female Case Studies

Gender: Female
Age: 38
Hair Loss Stage: Savin I-2
Trial Period:
3 months
Treatment plan: HR23+ Hair Supplement

Participant 1F has female pattern baldness, approximately classified as I-2 on the Savin scale. They experience thinning at the top of the scalp, particularly along the central parting, with some thinning at the crown. The participant used the HR23+ hair health supplement for three months, taking four capsules daily.

The results after three months

After continuous usage for 12 weeks, Participant 1F noticed visible improvements in the thickness of her hair, and there was also less hair falling out. The participant did not see clear results in her hair until around 5-6 weeks. There were visible improvements at the top of the hairline, and along the crown region of the scalp. After 12 weeks, new hair sprouted at the central hairline, and around the crown area.

Visible differences in the hair by week 12:

  • Less hair loss
  • more overall density across the scalp
  • More coverage at the parting area
case study hair loss treatment for female hair loss

Gender: Female
Age: 35
Hair Loss Stage: Savin I-2
Trial Period:
3 months
Treatment plan: HR23+ Hair Supplement

Participant 2 is affected by female pattern baldness, classified as approximately I-2 on the Savin scale. She experiences thinning at the top of the scalp, especially along the central parting, with some thinning at the frontal hairline. For three months, she took the HR23+ hair health supplement, consuming four capsules daily.

The results after three months

After 12 weeks of consistent use, Participant 2 reported significant improvements in hair thickness and a notable reduction in shedding. Initial results became evident around 6-8 weeks, with visible progress by 8 weeks, including visible hair growth in the parting area. By the end of 12 weeks, the hairline also showed partial filling in.

Visible differences in the hair by week 12:

  • Prevention of excess shedding
  • Hair growth in the parting area
  • Thicker hair growth at the frontal hairline

female pattern baldness hairline case study before after photos

Gender: Female
Age: 32
Hair Loss Stage: Savin II-2
Trial Period:
3 months
Treatment plan: HR23+ Hair Supplement, Ketoconazole 2%

Participant 3 is affected by female pattern baldness, classified as approximately II-2 on the Savin scale. She experiences thinning at the top of the scalp, particularly at the crown region. For 12 weeks, she took the HR23+ hair health supplement, consuming four capsules daily.

The results after 12 weeks

After 12 weeks of consistent use, Participant 3 noted substantial improvements in her hair, with noticeable progress by week six, including visible hair growth in areas of the scalp previously prone to thinning. She also reported a significant reduction in hair fall throughout the three-month period.

Visible differences in the hair by week 12:

  • Prevention of excess shedding
  • Hair growth at the crown
  • More overall hair density

hair loss treatment case study women Hr23+

Gender: Female
Age: 58
Hair Loss Stage: Savin III
Trial Period:
6 months
Treatment plan: HR23+ Hair Supplement, Minoxidil 2%, Ketoconazole 2%

Participant 4 is affected by a combination of female pattern baldness, classified as approximately III on the Savin scale, as well as stress-related shedding. She experiences thinning at the crown region of her scalp. For six months, she took the HR23+ hair health supplement, consuming four capsules daily, 2% Minoxidil daily, and 2% ketoconazole shampoo once a week.

The results after six months

After six months of consistent use, Participant 4 noted substantial improvements at the crown region of her head, with noticeable progress by week 12, including visible hair growth in areas of the scalp that were previously prone to thinning. She also reported a significant reduction in hair fall throughout the six-month period.

Visible differences in the hair by month 6:

  • Prevention of excess shedding
  • Hair growth at the crown region
  • More overall hair density

hair growth after HR23+ female photo

Gender: Female
Age: 41
Hair Loss Stage: Savin I-4
Trial Period: 6 months
Treatment plan: HR23+ Hair Supplement, Keratinocyte Growth Factor Serum, Minoxidil 2%, Ketoconazole 2%

Participant 5 is affected by female pattern baldness, classified as approximately I-4 on the Savin scale. She experiences thinning at the top region of her scalp. For six months, she took the HR23+ hair health supplement (four capsules a day), KGF Serum 3-4 times a week,
2% Minoxidil once a day, and 2% ketoconazole shampoo 1-2 times a week.

The results after six months

After six months of consistent use, Participant 5 noted substantial improvements at the hairline, with noticeable progress by month 3, including visible hair growth in areas of the scalp that were previously prone to thinning. She also reported a significant reduction in hair fall throughout the six-month period.

Visible differences in the hair by month 6:

  • Prevention of excess shedding
  • Hair growth at the top region
  • More overall hair density

female hair growth before and after 41 year old women

Gender: Female
Age: 46
Hair Loss Stage: Savin I-3
Trial Period: 3 months
Treatment plan:
HR23+ Hair Supplement, Minoxidil 2%, Ketoconazole 2%, Micro Needling

Participant 6 is affected by female pattern baldness, classified as approximately I-3 on the Savin scale. She experiences thinning at the centre parting region of her scalp. For three months, she took the HR23+ hair health supplement (four capsules a day), applied 2% Minoxidil once a day, and used 2% ketoconazole shampoo 1-2 times a week. She also did micro needling once a week with a 1.5mm needle.

The results after three months

After three months of consistent use, Participant 6 noted substantial improvements at the hairline, with noticeable progress within just a few weeks, including visible hair growth in areas of the scalp that were previously prone to thinning. She also reported a significant reduction in hair shedding throughout the six-month period.

Visible differences in the hair by month 3:

  • Prevention of excess shedding
  • Hair growth at the frontal and centre parting region
  • Stronger hairline
woman before and after hair growth photos

Gender: Female
Age: 46
Hair Loss Stage: Savin II-2
Trial Period: 6 months
Treatment plan: HR23+ Hair Supplement, Ketoconazole 2%, KGF Serum

The patient is affected by female pattern baldness, classified as approximately II-2 on the Savin scale. The patient experiences thinning at the crown region of her scalp. For six months, the patient took the HR23+ hair health supplement, consuming four capsules daily, 2% ketoconazole shampoo once a week, and KGF Serum 3-4 times a week.

The results after six months

After three months of consistent use, the patient noted substantial improvements at the crown region of her head, with noticeable progress by week 12, including visible hair growth in areas of the scalp that were previously prone to thinning. She also reported a significant reduction in hair fall throughout the three-month period.

Visible differences in the hair by month 3:

  • Arresting of hair loss
  • Hair regrowth at the crown region
  • More overall hair density

hair growth female before after photo results

* Results may vary from person to person

This information has not been reviewed or approved by the US or UK Food and Drug Administration and has not undergone the rigorous double-blind studies necessary to classify a product as definitively beneficial, potentially harmful, or suitable for treating any condition or disease.
HR23+ is not a medication or cure. It is a hair health supplement formulated with active ingredients that have been studied and shown to support hair health in both men and women.

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