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Female Pattern Baldness

Female-pattern baldness
(also known as androgenetic alopecia) is a common type of hair loss that can affect a large amount of women at any age. Female pattern baldness generally starts during the age of around 30, but many women can suffer from thinning hair as early as their twenties. Thinning hair can also be commonly found in women during and after pregnancy

Female pattern baldness is a type of hair loss that affects women. It is a genetic condition that can be inherited from either parent, and it is more common in women after menopause. In female pattern baldness, hair gradually thins and falls out, typically from the top of the head and the crown. Unlike male pattern baldness, women usually do not experience a receding hairline.

The exact cause of female pattern baldness is not fully understood, but it is thought to be related to the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which can shrink hair follicles and lead to hair loss. Other factors that may contribute to female pattern baldness include age, genetics, and certain medical conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

Female pattern baldness is far more common that you might think. Over 40 percent of women will suffer some form of hair loss by the time they reach 40, which is a big factor in why so many women are seeking effective treatments for their hair.

How can Female Pattern Hair Loss be Treated?

Treatment options for female pattern baldness include topical minoxidil (Rogaine/Regaine), which can help promote hair growth, and hair transplants, which involve taking hair from one part of the scalp and transplanting it to areas of thinning or baldness.

Other treatments, such as oral medications or hormonal therapy, may be prescribed by a doctor depending on the underlying cause of the hair loss. It's important to talk to a healthcare provider to determine the best course of treatment for individual cases of female pattern baldness.

When it comes to taking hair health supplements, women should always be cautious. HR23+ provides women with a viable option that can treat hair loss safely and effectively. It should be noted that HR23+ should not be taken by women who are pregnant or who are breast feeding.

Where men tend to recede at the temples and gradually thin on the crown, women lose their hair consistently and gradually over the scalp. Thickness and density can be achieved with the right nutrients that can stimulate hair follicles and help promote thicker, healthier hair growth.

HR23+ hair restoration supplement has shown to be an effective, non-medical treatment for women suffering from androgenic alopecia, as well as many other hair loss types. This potent yet safe supplement combines a number of vitamins and extracts that work at the root cause of hair loss.

91 percent of women noticed visible improvements in their hair from taking HR23+ supplement, within just three months.
Learn more about HR23+ and what it can do for your hair.

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